Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
- Intro to Crypto and Cryptocurrencies
- Crypto background
- hash functions
- digital signatures
- … adn applications
- Intro to cryptocurrencies
- basic digital cash
- Crypto background
1. Intro
1.1 Cryptographic Hash Functions
Takes any string as input,
fixed-size output(we’ll use 256 bits),
efficiently computable
Security properties:
- collision-free
Nobody can find x and y such that x != y and H(x) = H(y)
Notion: Collision-free is not equal No-Collision
With a valid function, we can find a collision:
try 2^130 randomly chosen inputs, and have 99.8% chance that two of them will collide.
(No matter what hash function is)
(But it takes too long to matter.)
(But here’s no one have been proven a hash fucntion is collision-free.)
Hash as message digest: If we know H(x) = H(y), we can assume that x = y.
(Useful because the hash is small)
- hiding
Given H(x), it is infeasible to find x.
If r is chosen from a probability distribution that has high min-entropy, then given H(r|x), it is infeasible to find x.
High min-entropy means that the distribution is “very spread out”, so that no particular value is chosen with more than negligible probability.
Commitment: want to “seal a value in an envelope”, and “open the envelope” later.
Commitment API:
1. (com, key) := commit(msg)
2. match := verify(com, key, msg)
1. verify(com, key, msg) := (H(key | msg) == com)
2. commit(msg) := (H(key | msg), key) *(where key is a random 256-bit value)*
- puzzle-friendly
For every possible output value y,
if k is chosen from a distribution with high min-entropy,
then it is infeasible to find x such that H(k | x) = y
A mathmetical problem, which contains a large searching-space which is given for finding the solusion and where is no shortcut in it.
Puzzle-friendly property implies that no solving strategy is much better than trying random values of x.
Application: Search puzzle
SHA-256 hash function
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