
A Story of an Ideal

Constructing this suburban named “Micky Town”, which seemingly was abandoned by the whole world, was my dream when I was young.
I wanna refresh it, make it more like a fantasy castle, which contains real mysterious characters, such as Micky Mouse, Tang Ducky, and Little Fly Elephant, etc, of each sweet girl which should be treated like a real princess.


Hexo 主题开发学习


​ 出于个人的开发兴趣以及对个人博客的风格设计需求,附加一点学习经验需要,准备尝试一次大的系统性的插件性质的开发,为自己的前端学习添加一笔。

​ 个人的想法是一个类似Bootstrap所能带来的响应式布局,加之各种花里胡哨的辅助插件,例如视频,输入响应以及CSS动画等等,突然还想到,要加上表情包什么的哈哈哈。

​ 总之就开始吧,这个Blog也是出于记录学习内容而开始的,让我一步步从0开始学习,目标是成为最强的开发工程师啊,开发经验什么的,还是很重要的,以后干脆创业算了哈哈哈!



  1. 如果需要查找docker容器中的es的elasticsearch.yml配置文件进行错误修正的话,由于容器文件夹过于复杂,需要进行文件查找


    find / -name elasticsearch.yml |grep '/config/elasticsearch.yml'

    vim ...



第一课 — 神经网络与深度学习: av66314465
第二课 — 改善深层神经网络:超参数调试、正则化以及优化:av66524657
第三课 — 结构化机器学习项目:av66644404
第四课 — 卷积神经网络:av66646276
第五课 — 序列模型:av66647398



  • 神经网络内容:
    • 卷积神经网络:ImageNet(残差网络),Inception
      • 实际应用:目标检测,人脸验证,图片风格转换
    • 序列模型:网络结构,GRU,LSTM
      • 实际应用:词嵌入,语言模型,注意力机制,触发语检测
  • 神经网络使用领域:
    • 计算机视觉
      • 实际运用
        • 图像分类
        • 语义分割
        • 物体识别和检测
        • 运动和跟踪
        • 视觉问答
        • 三维重建
    • 自然语言处理
      • 主要是由两个内容组成
        • 自然语言理解
        • 自然语言生成
      • 实际运用
        • 语音识别
        • 机器翻译
        • 语音合成
        • 人机对话
        • 语音助手
        • 问答系统
        • 机器阅读
    • 生成对抗网络
      • 特质
        • 通过训练数据进行生成需要的数据
        • 属于监督学习方法
        • 同时训练一个生成网络和一个判别网络
          • 生成网络:生成逼真的图片欺骗判别网络
          • 判别网络:区分生成图片和真实图片
  • 深度学习框架
    • TensorFlow from Google for Industry
      • 19.10 -> Version 2.0
      • 专业课主要学习的框架,学习版本为1.x,2.0版本与1.x版本差别很大,需要分开学习
        • 编程语言:python 3.x
        • 编程环境:Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, TensorFlow 1.x
    • Keras into TensorFlow
    • Pytorch use Python from Facebook for study
    • PaddlePaddle from Baidu
    • Deeplearning4j use JAVA
    • Mxnet from Amazon
    • Caffe&Caffe2 into Pytorch
    • CNTK from Microsoft
    • Theano is ancient
    • Chainer use Python
  • 学习辅用网上视频课:吴恩达深度学习课程

第一课:视频课1-6 导论

  1. 学习顺序

    1. (周1-4)Neural Networks and Deep Learning
      • Cats Recognition
    2. Improving Deep Neural Network: Hyperparameter tuning(参数调整) , Regularization(正则化) and Optimization(优化)
    3. Structing(结构化) your Machine Learning project.
    4. Convolutional Neural Networks 卷积神经网络
    5. Natural Language Processing.
  2. What is a neural network?

    A function to estimate a result which need a lot of data of parameter to confirm how is the final result decided.

    We do not setting the method detail of solving problem

  3. Supervised Learning 监管学习

    Give a series of Input and Gain a series of Output.

    • Example:

      ​ Home features -> Price (Standard NN)

      ​ Ad, user Info … -> Click on ad? (Standard NN)

      ​ Image -> Objects (CNN)

      ​ Audio -> Text transcript (RNN【Recurrent Neural Network】)

      ​ English -> Chinese (RNN)

      ​ Image, Radar Info -> Position of other cars. (Custom / Hybrid)

    Standard NN 标准神经网络,Convolutional NN 卷积神经网络,Recurrent NN 循环神经网络

    Neural Network Make Computer more easy to understand unstructured data.

  4. Why are they just now taking off?

    scale of data and computation is growing rapidly, and the progress in algorithms.

    Using a new way (ReLu function instead of Sigmoid function) to faster the speed of training a model.



  1. Binary Classification
    • A great algorithm to process the entire train sets with a great speed.
    • A introduction of forward pass or forward propagation step and backward pass or backward propagation step 前向传播和反向传播
    • Logistic regression 逻辑回归
      • An algorithm for binary classification.
    • Important Notation
      • ‘n’ is the length of height of the matric X, ‘m’ is the count of training examples (or looks like { (x1, y1) … (x(m), y(m) ) } ).
      • there are two sets, one of them for train, another for test.
      • (Xn, Y) is a specific vector.
  2. Logistic Regression
    • Given x, want y hat or y^.
    • Parameters: w (matrix), b (real number)
    • Output: y^ = w^T * x + b (Sigmoid function) = Sigmoid(Z)
      • ![sigmoid function](./深度学习专业课内容/Sigmoid function.png “sigmoid function”)
      • Sigmoid(Z)
      • learn about w and b to know how y become a good estimate.
      • Another academic method of display
  3. Logistic Regression cost function

To train the parameters W and B of the logistic regression model, We need to define a cost function


To get the best prediction, we want the y Hat can be more and more near to the i-th example.

Lost funcion is used to measure how well our algorithm is doing.

Here is the not good algorithm: (which will get serveral global optimums.)

![Old Loss function](./深度学习专业课内容/Old Loss function.png “Old Loss function”)

Here is the better algorithm: (of which graph is convex)

![New Loss function](./深度学习专业课内容/Loss function.png “New Loss Function”)

Cost function: the cost of the parameters.

![Cost function](./深度学习专业课内容/Cost function.png “Cost function”)

Compute the total cost of the whole sets, Measure how well the performance of your trained model.

  1. Gradient Descent 梯度下降法

The method to train the w and b.

ways: Find the minimum or to say the global optimum.

Cost Function

The real usage of Gradient Descent.


Parameters in this function:

​ α :learning rate :which to control how big a step we take on each iteration or gradient descent.

w := means updated w equal to the right

The Key of function

  • using derivatives导数 to find the side which is more near to the optimum
  • and update the nearest value and repeat it until you can not fould the next value.
  1. derivatives 导数


  1. Computation Graph 计算图

Also the introduction about derivaives, but the graph makes the procedure of whole computation a lot easier to be comprehended.



The Compute of Derivatives in Computation Graph

![image-20200430115619173](./深度学习专业课内容/The backward propagation.png)

  1. Logistic Regression - Gradient descent 逻辑回归中的梯度下降法



And Find the derivatives for L :

da = dL / da = - y / a + (1 - y) / (1 - a)

dz = dL / dz = dL / da * da / dz = dL / da * a(1-a) = a - y

**dw1 = dL / dw1 = x1 * dz = x1 * (a - y) **

**dw2 = x2 * dz **

db = dz

using Gradient descent on M samples

The used function is J(w, b)



  1. Vetorization 向量化

A great important method to forbid repeatitive and inefficient looping


A more faster way of calculate a series of great datasets

  1. Vectorizing Logistic Regression 向量化逻辑回归

Using Python Module – Numpy to Simplify the Code

  1. Vectorizing Logistic Regresion’s Gradient Computation 向量化逻辑回归的梯度计算


  1. Broadcasting in Python




  1. Neural Network Overview

  2. Neural Network Representation

Neural Network Representation



  1. Vertorizing



  1. Activation functions

Here are four useful and often activation function:

  • sigmoid : It doesn’t to be used any more, because it has some disadventages
  • tanh: limit the output between 0 and 1
  • ReLU: Rectified limit Unit – a = max(0, 1) (Mr.Wu recommend)
  • Leaky ReLU: Rectified limit Unit which is not zero when input go down zero.


  1. Why we use non-linear activate function.

If we use linear activate function in neural network, the whole hidden layers is useless, and it may be OK when you wanna computing output a real number.**So we only use linear function in the final output layer, except for some special circumstance. **but In that case, using ReLU is fine, too

  1. the deriviatives of Activate functions
  • sigmoid -> a’ = sigmoid’(z) = a (1 - a)
  • tanh -> a’ = tanh’(z) = 1 - a^2
  • ReLU -> a’ = (max(0, z))’ = 0, if z < 0; 1, if z >= 0.
  • Leaky ReLU -> a’ = (max(0.01 * z, z))’ = 0.01, if z < 0; 1 if z >=0.
  1. Gradient descent for neural networks


backward propagation

  1. Randomly Initialization

If we don’t randomly initialize paremeter W, we will get the same result from each unit in one

layer. It will make out gradient descent to doesn’t work by makes the units output the same results.

b initialized by zeros is OK, but W should be randomly initialized.

In Python:

  • w1 = np.random.rand((a, b)) * 0.01 (why here is 0.01 instead of 100 or 1000?)

    • the latter multiplier usually be very small because if this parameter become too large, it makes the sigmoid function or tanh or others useless, hence it makes the learning too slow.
  • b1 = np.zero((b, 1))



  1. Deep L-layer Neural network



  1. getting your matrix dimensions right



Z[l] -> (n[l], 1); A[I] -> (n[l], 1);

向量化后:when function plus parameter b, python will automatically using broadcast to duplicate b into a (n, m) matrix


  1. Why deep representations?


  1. Building blocks of deep neural networks



  1. Forward propagation in a deep network


  1. Forward and backward propagation

Forward propagation:


Backward propagation:


Noticing the backward propagation initialization parameter ==dA==


  1. Parameters ==vs== Hyperparameters

Hyperparameters is controlled by researchers, which could directly effect the paramters ==W, B==;


  1. Train / dev / test sets




  1. Bias / Variance 偏差/方差



  1. Basic recipe for machine learning


  1. Regularization 正则化



  1. Why regularization reduces overfittings?



  1. Dropout regularization 随机失活正则化

Randomly choose several units in each layer and set them disabled





  1. Other regularization methods

Data augmentation (when we can’t get more data)

flipping horizontally, rotated or distortion


Early stopping (avoid overfitting)


  1. Normalizing inputs

There are two steps:

  • subtract mean (zero mean)
  • normalize variance

Use the same mu and sigma in train set and test set



  1. Vanishing / exploding gradients

If each W greater than 1, the activation will be exploding.

If each W smaller than 1, the activation will be vanishing.

They will also make the learning very slow.


  1. Weight initialization for deep network

Because of the existence of Vanishing / exploding gradients, we have to take careful in weight initialization.


  1. Gradient checking

For checking if the compute of derivatives is correct.

Numerical approximation of gradients 梯度数值逼近

Using the double sides derivative, which makes the Error much less than one side derivative.


Gradient checking



  1. Gradient Checking implementation notes.
  • Don’t use in training, only to debug.
  • If algorithm fails grad check, look at components to try to identify bug.
  • Remember regularization.
  • Doesn’t work with dropout.
  • Run at ramdom initialization; perhaps again after some training.


  1. Mini-batch gradent descent

When the count of sample is too large, the speed of using your algorithm will still be too slow to compute.

Mini-batch means a little sets of trainning samples extracted from a whole tremendous training samples sets.






  1. Exponentially weighted averages. 指数加权平衡





The adventages of exponentially weighted averages:

  • it just takes up one line of code basically. 只占用一行代码
  • and just storage and memory for a single row number to compute this exponentially weighted average. 只需要存储单行数字内容
  • not the best and most accurate way to compute average.
  1. Bias correction in exponentially weighted averages

In last example, using exponentially weighted averages might make the first several averages too low to be accurate to portray the first several days temperature.

So, we have to use bias to fix it.


The bias will go very near to zero when days go up, so we don’t worry about the influence of bias in rear samples.

Most people don’t care about it unless you have to concentrate on the first several indics

  1. Gradient descent with momentum 动量梯度下降法

In previous methods, we have to make the learning rate low lest make the predictions go far away from the minimum.

In Gradient descent with momentum, we using the exponentially weighted averages as our forward momentum to keep the learning orientation is point to the position of the minimum.



  1. RMSprop

Another way to speed up gradient descent.

I do not really comprehend understand it.


  1. Adam optimization algorithm

Adam : Adaption Moment Estimation

Another way to speed up gradient descent using in generally



  1. Learning rate decay

There are several way to make the learning rate goes down with the iteration goes through.



  1. The problem of local optima 局部最优问题



The optimization methods could help us exemplify from the local optima


  1. Tuning process 调试处理


Find the best hyperparameters‘ values



  1. Using an appropriate scale to pick hyperparameters

A normal way to choose but not for all.


A special way for estimate the hyperparameters which is sensitive for a very small changes. image-20200601205248898

Because of the trait of exponentially weighted averages, which is when it comes too close to 1, the influence of it will become more and more intensive.


  1. Hyperparameters tuning in practice: Pandas vs. Caviar

The two different way of hyperparameters tuning.


  1. Normalizing activations in a network.





  1. Why Batch Norm work?


the function of Batch Norm is to control the mean (to zero) and variance (to one) of the input of each hidden layers by transfer the shape of input to normal distribution.

so why we have to control the mean and variance?


this controlling is to undermine covariate shift which means the precede hidden layers’ parameters updated could put a great influence into the output, affect the latter hidden layers’ parameters, which means in chinese “牵一发而动全身”. It makes the updating of neural networks is unstable and chaos, which I mean when our newest data have a great difference from prior data, the neural network might perform worse.

but using inputs with the shape of normal distribution could avert it.

So the truly meaning of using batch norm is to make each hidden layer more independent.


  1. Batch norm at test time

In test time, we need other way to calculate mu and sigma


  1. Softmax regression

one of generalizations of logical regression

Not just binary classification, but could give a variety of result.



The different is input a vector, output a vector


  1. Training a softmax classification.




  1. Deep Learning frameworks



  1. TensorFlow
  • Basically using



  • input data


  • whole code example



  1. Why is ML strategy


How to choose the best method for improve the performance of ML.

  1. Orthogonalization 正交化


Orthogonalization means let each parameter when it changes will not affect other parameters.


  1. Single number evaluation metric 单一数字评估指标

Precision 查准率 of the example that your classifier recognizes as cats, what percentage actually are cats?

Recall 查全率 of all the images that really are cats, what percentage were correctly recognized by your classifier?

F1 Score the mixture of P and R


By using the average, it make us easy to figure out which classifier is performing better than others classifier overall.

  1. Satisficing and optimizing metrics.

We should care about both accuracy and running time.


  1. Train/dev/test distributions

One bad idea: using not really randomly choosed sets for equally distributing.


==A real great idea is to set the dev and test sets both have data containing all apperent conditions such as region in this example.==


  1. Size of dev and test sets


But in the era of big data, we have to change ways to decide the size of dev and test sets



  1. When to change dev/test sets and metrics

Sometimes, one algorithm maybe perform greater than others, but it will output some unacceptible results when it goes wrong. So we may not use it because of terrible consequence because of the algorithm’s low-possible but inexorable blunder.


Here are our usage which weighting the index of each error emerging to make us get the best algorithm which fits our individually special demand


  1. Why human-level perormance


Bayes optimal error, or Bayesian optimal error, or Bayes error for short is the very best theoretical function for mapping from x to y.


  1. Avoidable bias


  1. Understanding human-level performance


How should you define human-level error?


**Of course we should use the best performance as human-level error, to substitute or estimate the Bayes error, but it this case, when our AI do not perform good enough, choose using anyone to be Bayes error is meaningless. **

When avoidable bias is non-ignorable, we should keep eyes on Bias, otherwise we should pay attention to Variance.

  1. Surpassing human-level performance



  1. Improving your model performance




  1. Carring out error analysis 错误分析


  1. Found how the error may be caused.
  2. Figure out the possible reasons.
  3. Use a sheet to statistic.


  1. cleaning up incorrectly labeled data


So long as the total data set is big enough, the random error is ok, but the systematic errors is not ok.



  1. Build your first system quickly, then iterate



Guideline: Build a system first, and iterate.

  1. Training and testing on different distributions.

There are two ways to solve it.

  1. Merge them and shuffle.


  1. use basis dataset to train, and the real worthy data to test.


  1. Bias and Variance with mismatched data distributions




  1. Addressing data mismatch



  1. Transfer learning 迁移学习

Use old knowledge in new task



  1. Multi-task learning 多任务学习




  1. End-to-End deep learning 端对端深度学习




  1. Whether to use end-to-end deep learning




  1. Computer Vision


  1. Edge Detection

Convolution 卷积





The usage of convolution in Vertical edge detection




  1. Padding


Two strategy of Padding convolutions


We usually use odd-numbered f for building filter

  1. Strided convolution






  1. Convolution over volumes




  1. One layer of convolutional neural network




An Example of ConvNet



  1. Pooling layers 池化层(汇合层)

Use Pooling layers to reduce the size of their representation to speed up computtion, as wel as to some of the features it detects a bit more rebust. 缩减模型大小,提高计算速度,同时提高所提取特征的健壮性




  1. Neural network example



  1. Why convolution?





  1. Why look at cases studies?


  1. Classic networks
  • LeNet - 5 : Recognize the number written by hand


  • Alex Net

Input a picture, return a series.


  • VGG - 16


  1. Residual Network — Res Net






  1. Network in Network and 1 * 1 convolutions



  1. Inception Network Motivation




1*1 convolution use to reduce the size of third layers

  1. Inception Network



  1. Using open-source implementations


  1. Transfer Learning




  1. Data augmentation





  1. The state of computer vision




第四课 视频课22-32

  1. Object localization





  1. Landmark detection


  1. Object detection



  1. Convolutional implementation of sliding windows




  1. Bouding box prediction


YOLO algorithm





  1. Intersection over union 交并比


Is it good enough or too bad?

We have to use a algorithm to evaluate it.


  1. Non-max suppresion 非极大值抑制

One result only be detected once.


  1. Anchor Boxes

Detect multiple objects.



  1. YOLO algorithm




  1. Region proposals 候选区域






I think it’s really important to get this right the first time as opposed to opening up too early

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Friday pumped the brakes on the possibility that wide swaths of America would reopen at the beginning of May

only places that have seen low levels of COVID-19 and have implemented sufficient surveillance techniques to detect and contain further outbreaks would be able to consider opening up by then.

while White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow expressed hope the country could begin reopening on a rolling basis in four to eight weeks.

But the strength of the economy has been at the center of Trump’s reelection argument, and he has been fixated on certain financial markers even amid the pandemic

Non-compliance may in turn prompt the entire deal to unravel—in the past week Saudi Arabia almost scuttled the deal when one country, Mexico, balked at its terms. America’s ability to intervene is limited, despite Mr Trump’s assurances. The president said that America would help “pick up the slack” for Mexico, by reducing its own production further. But it is unclear how that additional cut will materialise, if at all.

The company slashed prices for oil headed to Asia in May, according to S&P Global Platts, a price-reporting outfit, even as it let prices rise for other destinations. That suggests a keen interest in defending Saudi market share in Asia, the world’s main driver of oil demand.

The global oil-price war is not over, but on hold.





  • 一元函数微积分:重点、难点
    • 微分学
      • 函数、极限、连续
      • 导数与微分
      • 微分中值定理导数的应用
    • 积分学
      • 不定积分
      • 定积分及反常积分:不等式或等式证明
      • 定积分应用
  • 多元函数微积分: 注意对照一元函数微积分
    • 微分学
      • 函数、极限、连续
      • 偏导数与全微分
      • 微分学的应用(极值与最值)
    • 积分学
      • 重积分:不等式或等式证明
      • 线面积分:不等式或等式证明
      • 积分应用
  • 空间解析几何与向量代数
  • 微分方程
    • 一阶方程
    • 可降阶方程
    • 高阶线性方程
  • 无穷级数
    • 常数项级数:证明题
    • 幂级数:求和
    • 傅里叶级数

第一章 函数 极限 连续

第一节 函数

  • 题型

    • 函数性质
    • 复合函数
  • 函数概念


    • 符号函数
    • 取整函数
    • 复合函数
      • 不是任何两个函数都可以复合
        • 要确定外函数的定义域和内涵数的值域是否重合,否则复合函数无意义
    • 反函数
      • 若存在y,有两个及以上的在定义域内的x,使得函数成立,则该函数没有反函数
      • 单调函数一定有反函数,这是一个充分非必要条件
      • 考点 ,两次反函结果为自变量
    • 初等函数
      • 幂函数,指数函数,对数函数,三角函数,反三角函数统称基本初等函数:背定义域,性质,图形
      • 初等函数:由常数和基本初等函数经过有限次的加减乘除和复合所得到且能用一个解析表达式表达的函数。
        • 单调性
        • 奇偶性
          • 偶函数:定义域D中关于Y轴对称,f(-x) = f(x)
          • 奇函数:定义域D中关于原点对称,**f(-x) = -f(x)**,且若在x=0有定义,f(0) = 0
          • 奇偶函数相加相乘变化
        • 周期性:f(x + T) = f(x) 则为周期函数,使得上式成立的最小正数T为最小正周期,简称为函数的周期
        • 有界性,f(x)的绝对值有一个极限值,界或者叫最大值M为正数

==第二节 极限==

第三节 连续



商业经济类 篇一

句一:When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn’t biting her nails just yet.


When it comes to… 当人们提到…时,

1. reading

  • 引出主旨:此句往后的下一句应该是某个人的态度
    • 而且很有可能是考点

2. writing

  • 用于开头段:when it comes to 主题(甚至可以直接抄题目),opinions differ / vary. Some may assert that 观点1, others , however, appear to argue that 观点2, I am strongly convinced that 我的观点.
    • I am strongly convinced that … 被动语法(加分)
      • convince 使相信
        • convincing 令人信服的
          • convincing argument 令人信服的观点
          • lame argument 跛脚的观点
          • far less convincing 说服力不足
            • The argument of China used to be far less convincing that of America, but no longer. It’s now much more convincing.
            • much more convincing 有说服力
    • whenever it comes to…. 无论何时人们提到…时,进阶用法
    • 提出观点的动词:认为,主张
      • argue
      • assert
      • claim
      • hold
      • contend
    • 可以用于修饰的情态动词
      • may / might
      • have to / must
      • ought to / should
      • can / could
      • tend to
      • seem to
      • appear to
    • 开头段拓展:while many tend to hold that 观点1, others might contend that 观点2.
      • while 句子1, 与之对立的句子2.
        • while用于连接两个相互对立的句子,完形填空会考


the slowing economy 减速的经济

  • the economy is slowing

  • slow down 放慢速度

    • speed up 加快速度
  • slowdown 减速

    • acceleration 加速
  • breakdown 崩溃

  • cooling 降温

  • softening 疲软


  • 多个相近词相互替换使用



  • slowing
    • slow(速度)下降
    • 只要考,后面就跟着economy
  • falling 日益下降的
    • fall -> fell -> fallen (数量)下降
    • fall rapidly 骤减
      • the rural population fell rapidly from 1990 to 2010.
    • the fall of an apple 苹果的落下
    • falling costs 日益下跌的支出/花费
      • falling communication and transportation 日益下跌的通讯量和交通量
  • fading 逐渐消失的
    • fade 逐渐消失;褪色
    • the fading competitiveness of US economy 美国经济逐渐消失的竞争力
    • fading distinction between socialism and capitalism 资本主义与社会主义逐步消失的差距
      • distinction 区别
    • passing fad 昙花一现的东西
      • 不用强行追求单个词的意思,正如龌龊一词,不需要知道单个字的意思
      • the net is not just a passing pad.
  • declining 逐步衰退
    • decline v. 衰退,走下坡路;不表示速度下降
      • global economic decline 全球经济衰退
      • moral decline 道德衰退
      • on the decline 走下坡路
        • While America is on the decline, China is on the rise. 美国正在走下坡路,中国正在走上坡路
      • a decline industry 走下坡路的行业
        • auto industry 汽车行业
        • textile industry 纺织行业
        • banking industry 银行行业(未走下坡路, 只是正在改革整顿)


  • rising 日益上涨的

    • rise->rose->risen

    • rising concern 越来越担忧/关切

      • Rising concern, fortunately, has been given today to such an unsettling phenomenon. 今天,人们越来越关注这种令人不安的现象。

      • settle v. 确定
  • growing 逐渐增长的

    • growing attention = rising concern
    • the growing competitiveness of emerging economies 新兴经济体与日俱增的竞争力
    • emerging countries 新兴国家
    • emerge v. 出现
    • a growing number of students / youngsters / Chinese / cities / parents
      • a growing number of…… 越来越多的……
        • 同义用法
        • ……in mounting numbers **越来越多的……**(后置定语形态)
          • mount 基本不单独考
    • 反义:fading
  • soaring 激增的

    • soar v. 激增
    • soaring home prices 激增的房价
    • soaring health budget 激增的医疗卫生支出
      • health 医疗卫生;健康
        • WHO 世界卫生组织
        • Health Institution
    • budget:支出
  • increasing 逐渐上升的

    • an increasing number of …. 越来越多的……
  • take off 起飞,激增

  • budget = spending = cost = expense = expenditure 支出,花费,开销
    • living expenses 生活支出


Ellen Spero isn’t biting her nails just yet.

  • 题一的考点
    • can hardly = can not 几乎不能
    • maintain one’s business 维持生意
      • maintain 维持,维护
    • be engaged in …… 忙于 ……
      • engage 从事
      • I’m too much engaged in my study. 我学习太投入了
    • desperate 绝望的
      • in a desperate situation = in despair 在极其糟糕的状况
        • despair n. 绝望
        • inspire v. 激励
      • spirit n. 精神
    • spur n./v. 刺激(物);鞭策
    • grow out of one’s bad habit 摆脱了坏习惯
      • form / develop new habits 养成新习惯
  • not … just yet 尚未,还没有
  • Some aren’t realized the severity of the situation. 一些人尚未意识到形势的严峻
  • severity n. (形势的)严峻,严重
  • bite ones nails = scratch one‘s head 引申词义:不知所措,束手无策
    • scratch 挠,搔,抓,刮,擦

句二:But the 47-year-old manicurist isn’t cutting , filing or polishing as many nails as she’d like to, either.


最终简化结果:But she isn’t cutting as many nails as she’d like to,either 但是她正在剪的指甲没有她想要剪的那么多

  • manicurist

    • 超纲词
      • 当超纲词为名词时
        • 注意 the、this、these、that、those、such。则该词在上文中提到过,改成he、she、it、they即可。
        • 若无上点中的定冠词等,则本句中一定有之近义词或者反义词。
    • 此处对应前句中的Ellen Spero
    • 通过简化句子推出manicurist是美甲师
  • cut v.剪

    • cut the nails
    • 当遇到并列结构时,会一个即可
      • fill,polish 此处甚至不需要懂
        • file v. (用锉)磨 n. 锉刀;v. 提交文档 n.文件夹
        • polish v. 磨光,打蜡,上油釉,润色(文章)
  • not … as many as … 前者没有后者那么多

    • 比较结构
    • 华工 do not have as many students as 北理 does.

句三:Most of her clients spend $12 to $50 weekly, but last month two longtime customers suddenly stopped showing up.


  • client
    • 超纲词汇
    • client = customer = shopper = buyer 顾客,客户
    • writing笔记
      • 多变化
        • 词汇多变化
          • 例:图画:cartoon, picture, sketch, image, drawing, illustration
        • 句式多变化
          • 基本句式
            • 基本格式:主谓…
            • 基本句型都能转换成长难句(3大类,14小种)
              • 大类一:插入语
                • 从句
                • 短语
                • 情态动词
                • 双逗号结构,双破折号结构
              • 大类二:引导性成分,主语前逗号
                • 从句
                  • If从句
                  • 时间状语从句
                  • 地点状语从句
                  • 等等
                • 短语
                  • -ed…
                  • -ing…
                  • To …
                  • adj….
                  • Prep…
                • 独立主格结构
                • 副词
                  • Indeed,
                  • However,
                  • Therefore,
                  • Likewise,
                  • Unfortunately,
                  • Historically,
              • 大类三:句后加逗号
                • 从句
                • 短语
                • 独立主格结构
                • 名词短语(做同位语)
              • 大类三:句后无逗号
                • 从句
                • 短语
          • 特殊句式
            • 倒装
            • 强调
            • 插入
            • 祈使句
            • It做形式主语的例子
        • 标点多变化
          • , . ! ? – “”
  • longtime customer 常客
  • show up 出现,露面
    • Most of the candidate for examination get up early in the morning; As soon as they wake up, they show up in the recitation room
      • get up 起床
      • wake up 醒来
      • the recitation room 自习室

句四:Spero blames the softening economy.“I’m a good economic indicator,” she says.“I provide a service that people can do without when they’re concerned about saving some dollars.”


  • blame = owe … to … = attribute … to … 归咎于,埋怨…
    • The police attribute / owe the accident to pooler weather conditions. 警方将这场事故归因于糟糕的天气原因
    • The driver blamed poor weather conditions, but the police disagreed with it.
    • The authorities attribute / owe the success of China to the superiority of socialism.
      • superiority 优越感;优越性(中性词)
      • socialism 社会主义
  • ==直接引语的使用==
    • Reading
      • 引号内的内容属于论据,用于支持论点,不太需要读也不大会考
      • 通常不读,直接跳过,除非出现在段首
    • Writing
      • 创造条件用引语
      • “XXX.(评论现象) ” notes Dr.XXX 47-year-old sociology professor in Fudan University. 瞎编博士评论.
      • “XXX.” Says Bai Yansong, a renowned / well-known host of CCTV. (评分:直接引语,倒装,同位语)

句五:So Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard’s department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus.“I don’t know if other clients are going to abandon me, too” she says.


So Spero is downscaling, shopping at…

  • 主句,-ing…

    • 短语做补充说明
    • 一个主语做了两个动作以上的时候,要么用连接词连接,要么直接将除其中一个动词做谓语,其他动词全部改成不定式。
    • Getting up early, she went to the airplane in a hurry this morning.
      • She got up early, going to the airport hurriedly this morning
      • 句子组成顺序应该是具有一定的逻辑性的,例如时间顺序或其他顺序
  • downscale 规模缩减

  • middle-brow 中档的

  • suburban 郊区的

    • suburb n. 郊区
    • urban adj. 城市的
    • rural adj.农村的
  • department store


  • Cleveland 地名

引号内不需要看懂,直接略过 ——商志

句六:Even before Alan Greenspan’s admission that America’s red-hot economy is cooling, lots of working folks had already seen signs of the slowdown themselves



Even before Alan Greenspan’s admission that America’s red-hot economy is cooling


  • even before 即使在……之前
    • ==even 即使==
    • even after 即使在……之后
    • even when 即使在……的时候
      • even when she was only six, the girl shows off her marvelous intelligence.
  • Alan Greenspan 艾伦·格林斯潘
    • the chairman of the US Federal Reserve 美联储主席
      • Federal 联邦
      • Reserve n./v. 储备
      • 管理美元金融系统
        • 中国人民银行是管理人民币金融系统 ,也就是央行
      • 影响全世界的经济
        • 修改利率等
    • 在文中即用于表示官方
  • admission n. 承认
    • admit v. 承认


lots of working folks had already seen signs of the slowdown themselves

  • 许多工作的人们自己也已经发现了经济减速的许多迹象

  • folk 人群

    • many people = many folks = many
  • sign 标志

    • signs of acceleration 加速的迹象
    • signs of slowdown 减速的迹象
    • signs of recovery 复苏的迹象
    • snow is a good sign of a new good year. 瑞雪兆丰年
      • be a good sign of 是…的好预兆
    • 延伸
      • signal 信号
        • mobile phone 移动电话
          • smart phone 智能手机
      • bus 巴士
      • subway 地铁
  • themselves


句七:From car dealerships to Gap outlets, sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending.



  • from car dealerships to Gap outlets 补充成分,可以不看

    • 翻译:从汽车经销商到Gap(品牌名)商店
    • deal n. 交易
      • dealership 经销商
    • outlets n. 商店;出口;(情绪,废水)发泄口
      • 商店的意思时一般指公路两边的商店
      • fast-food outlets 快餐店
      • Outlets 奥特莱斯 名牌打折店
      • 近似词汇:
        • [department store](#department store)
  • as shoppers temper their spending 补充成分,可以不看

    • 因为顾客降低了他们的开销

    • as 因为 = because = for = since

    • shopper = client = customer = buyer = consumer

    • temper one’s spending 减轻某人的花费

  • temper v.减轻 n.脾气

    • calm your temper!
  • spend v. 花费

    • spending n. 花费
      • earn v.赚钱
        • earning n.赚钱
        • monthly earns
        • weekly earns
      • lower their spending

No learning, no earning.



  • **sales have been lagging for months ** 主句,最重要的部分
    • lag v. 拖后,徘徊

句八:For retailers, who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time



For retailers

  • for sb. 对某人来说
  • retailer 零售商
    • retail 零售
  • wholesaler 批发商
    • wholesale 批发


who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas

  • 翻译:在感恩节和圣诞节期间挣了他们一年24%的收入
  • take in 挣钱 = earn
  • revenue
    • (年)收入


the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time

  • 翻译:这种小心翼翼的方式来的真不是时候

  • caution 小心

    • cautious 小心谨慎的
    • CAUTION : gap 小心间隙
      • gap 鸿沟,差距,间隙
    • CAUTION : slippery 小心地滑
      • slippery 滑的
        • slope n. 斜坡,斜面
        • slipper 拖鞋
        • slip 滑倒,滑跤
        • sleep 睡觉
    • CAUTION : wet floor 小心地滑
  • approach n. / v. 靠近,逼近;n. 方式,方法

    • the scientific approach 科学的方法
    • the intensive approach 集约型的方法/精细的方法
    • the crude approach 粗糙的方法
    • new approach 新的方法
      • new approach to environmental protection. 环境保护的新方法
  • is coming at a crucial time 固定搭配,某事来的真不是时候 / 某事来的真是时候 / 某事发生的真是在一个关键的时间点(可能认为好也可能认为不好)

    • crucial adj. 关键的

句八:Already, experts say, holiday sales are off 7 percent from last year’s pace.



  • 翻译:专家说,和去年相比,假日销售额**减少了7%**。
    • 此处的假日销售指的是旅游行业
  • holiday sales 旅游行业的销售额 饭店、酒店、旅游、公共交通
  • last year’s pace 去年的这段时间


  • 整一段是一个总分结构
    • 多个句子,一个意思,可以标记后直接省略分论点,能够快速提高阅读速度。

句九:But don’t sound any alarms just yet


  • not … just yet. 尚未
  • sound any alarms 响起警报
    • sound n. 声音 v. 听起来 adj. 很棒
      • sound like v. 听起来像…
      • ==physically sound but intellectually poor 身体很好,但在脑力上不行。==
      • environmentally sound 环境很棒
      • cognitively sound 认知能力优秀
        • cognitive adj. 认知方面的
          • recognize v. 认生
    • alarm n. 警报
      • alert n. 警觉
        • on the alert 保持警觉
      • warning 警示,警告
        • warn sb of sth 提醒某人注意某事
        • warn us of possible accident.


句十:Consumers seem mildly concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy’s long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt-tightening.


  • consumers seem mildly concerned. 消费者们表现出轻微的关切.

    • be mildly concerned 没有过分担忧

      • be concerned = feel concerned 感到担忧 / 关切

        • we are concerned about sth.
      • mild 温和的

        • wild 野生的
          • wild animal
    • panicked = bite one’s nails = in despair

    • be / feel panicked 感到恐慌

    • be / feel concerned 感到担忧

    • be / feel disappointed 感到失望

    • be / feel surprised 感到兴奋


  • many say they remain optimistic about the economy’s long-term prospects. 许多人说他们仍然保持对经济的长期前景保持乐观.

    • remain optimistic 保持乐观

      • [hold steady](#hold steady) 保持稳定
    • 题二:How do the public feel about the current economic situation

      • the current economic situation 当前经济状况
        • current = today’s = present = nowadays 当前的
      • the public 公众
      • confused = puzzled = perplexed 困惑的
        • be / feel confused / puzzled / perplexed 感到困惑
        • 阅读中问态度一般答案不会是困惑
      • carefree adj. 不关心,不在乎的
        • duty-free 免税的
          • duty-free stores 免税店
    • long-term prospect / effect / development 长期的 前景 / 效果 / 发展

      • long-term 长期的
      • short-term 短期的
      • in terms of… 在…方面
      • come to terms with 与之妥协


  • even as they do some modest belt-tightening. 即使当他们稍加勒紧腰带的时候
    • even as= even when 即使当….时
    • do some belt-tightening 勒紧腰带
      • modest adj. 一般的,中等的;谦逊的
        • the poor / modestly / highly educated 受过 低等/中等/高等 教育的人
          • the literate 文盲
      • tighten 束紧,抓紧
        • tighten the legal control over the press 抓紧对新闻媒体的法律控制
          • legal control 法律约束;法律控制
        • tighten the belt 勒紧腰带

句十一: Consumers say they’re not in despair because, despite the dreadful headlines, their own fortunes still feel pretty good.


  • despite the dreadful headlines. 尽管媒体的报道让人恐慌

    • dreadful adj. 可怕的

    • despite = in spite of 虽然,尽管

    • 插入语,可以省略不看


  • fortune 财产,财富
    • fame and fortune 名利
      • famous 有名的
      • fortunate 幸运的
    • make one’s fortune 发财
      • make it 成功
        • Will China make it?
  • feel pretty good 感觉很好

句十二:Home prices are holding steady in most regions


  • Home price 房价

    • home buyer 买房者
  • hold steady 保持稳定 [固定搭配]

    • the sales are holding steady from 2009 to 2019 销量十年内保持稳定
    • [固定搭配:remain optimistic](#remain optimistic)
  • region 地区

    • regional cooperation 地区合作
    • national cooperation 国际合作
    • 形似词:
      • religion 宗教
      • reign 统治
        • sovereign 君主,元首;统治
          • sovereignty 主权
        • Pu Yi end his reign in 1912. 溥仪在1912年结束了他的同志
          • end one’s reign 结束统治
  • 题三:When mentioning “the $4 million to $10 million range”

    • million 百万
    • mention v. 提到
    • range v./n.范围;区间
    • real estate 房地产 [固定用法]
    • stock exchange 股票交易
    • venture investment 风险投资
      • venture = adventure n. 冒险
      • invest v. 投资
        • no investing, no harvesting. 没有播种,没有收获
        • Invest more, harvest more.

句十三: In Manhattan, “there’s a new gold rush happening in the $4 million to $10 million range, predominantly fed by Wall Street bonuses,” says broker Barbara Corcoran. In San Francisco, prices are still rising even as frenzied overbidding quiets. “Instead of 20 to 30 offers, now maybe you only get two or three,” says John Deadly, a Bay Area real-estate broker


  • In XXX 在…地方
    • In Manhattan 在曼哈顿
  • 此处明显是分论据,若出题在分论据中,那么实际问的是总论点


  • gold rush 淘金热 [固定搭配]
    • rush n. 盲目的不理性的狂热
    • the rush to go abroad 出国热
    • the rush to learn English 学英语热
    • the rush to put computers in the classroom 多媒体教学热
  • Wall Street 华尔街
  • (Which is) happening in …… 发生在……情况下
    • happening in the $4 million to $10 million range 发生在四百万到一千万的范围内
  • predominantly fed by Wall Street bonuses
    • feed v. 喂养;输送
      • feed the family 养一家人
    • which is fed by
    • bonus 红利,股息
      • Wall Street bonuses 华尔街的分红
    • predominant adj. 起主导作用的,占据支配地位的
      • play a predominant role 扮演支配地位的角色;起到支配作用的
      • mostly = mainly = chiefly = primarily 主要地
      • In Shanghai, an average student spends $150 each week, predominantly fed by the family. 在上海,每周学生平均消费达到了 $150,大多都依靠父母资助。
  • broker n. 经纪人;中介
    • break 打碎,打破
      • break the silence
      • break the record


  • rise v./n.上涨
  • even as the frenzied overbidding quiets 即使当疯狂竞标安静下来
    • overbid v. 过高出价
      • bid n. / v. 出价
    • quiet adj. 安静的 v. 偃旗息鼓,安静下来
    • frenzied = crazy 狂热的


  • bay 海湾

    • Grandma’s Penghu Bay 外婆的澎湖湾
  • Instead of 20 to 30 offers, now maybe you only get two or three. 过去也许有二三十份报价,现在大概只能拿到两三份报价

    • instead of 取而代之

      • instead of 从句, 主句 不是…,而是…. / 取而代之……的是……
    • offer n. / v.报价;v. 提供

    • bid v. / n. 出价


  • 本段论据是为了说明房价稳定,人民认为他们的财产仍然保有好的价值
  • The reasons of consumers not panicked / in despair

句十四:And most folks still feel pretty comfortable about their ability to find and keep a job


  • feel pretty comfortable about one’s ability to do sth 对自己某方面的能力很有把握

句十五:Many folks see silver linings to this slowdown.


  • folk music 民间音乐
    • folk dance 民间舞蹈
    • traditional folk art 传统民间艺术
      • paper-cutting is one of the most popular traditional folk art. 剪纸是最流行的传统民间艺术之一
    • folk 人们;民间的
  • [sliver lining](#silver lining) 好事,好运 ==谚语延伸词==
    • sliver 银
      • 延伸
        • gold 金
        • bronze 铜
    • Every cloud has its silver lining. 每一片乌云都有一条银边
      • 谚语含义:塞翁失马焉知非福 / 祸兮福所倚

句十六:Potential home buyers would cheer for lower interest rates. Employers wouldn’t mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market


  • 潜在购房者为了更低的利率而举杯欢庆

  • potential home buyers 潜在的购房者

    • potential adj. 潜在的 n. 潜力
      • potential elite 潜在的精英
      • realize one’s potential 激发某人的潜力
  • cheer v. 欢呼;举杯庆祝

  • lower the interest rates 调低利率

    • interest rate 利率
    • lower v. 调低,降低;比较级. 更低
    • 在经济情况不好时调低利率,经济过热、金融市场泡沫很大时调高利息


  • 雇主们不会介意职业市场中的更少的泡沫了
  • employer 雇主
  • employee 雇员
  • bubbles in the job market 人才市场中的泡沫
    • 经济情况向好时,雇员对工薪要求就高了,职场泡沫就变大了
  • a little (修饰比较级) 一点点
    • a litter + 比较级
      • little brother is a little taller than elder brother 更高一点点
      • … much taller than …. 高多了
      • … far taller than …. 高的多了去了


  • Tsinghua Bear
  • Tsinghua University
  • Peking University
  • 除上面的特殊英语标识,其他都直接用Beijing

句十七: Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock-market swings, which investors now view as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom.



  • stock-market swings 股市下滑,股市波动
    • stock-market 股市
    • swing = fluctuation下滑;波动
    • benefit n. / v. 利益,好处;v. 收益
  • view as 视为……
  • a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom 一个经济的持久繁荣的重要组成部分
    • ingredient = element = component = part n. 成分,组成部分
      • necessary ingredient 重要组成部分
    • a sustained boom 持久的繁荣
      • boom 繁荣,高速发展
        • economic boom 经济繁荣
        • birth boom 婴儿潮,生育高峰期

句十八:Diners might see an upside, too.


  • diner 吃货
  • upside = silver linings 正面,好的一面
    • every coin has two sides 每个硬币都有两面
    • downside 背面,不好的一面
  • see an upside, too 与[句十四](#句十四:Many folks see silver linings to this slowdown.)的silver linings遥相呼应。

句十九:Getting a table at Manhattan’s hot new Alain Ducasse restaurant used to be impossible. Not anymore.

翻译:在曼哈顿的火热的新开的XXX餐厅吃上一桌,在过去是不可能的. 而现在不一样了


  • 动名词短语做主语
    • 可以做主语的成分有七种
      • 动名词短语 -ing、不定式短语 to do
      • 从句
      • It做形式主语
      • 名词或名词词组
      • 代词或代词词组
      • the + 形容词
  • used to 过去曾是


  • Not anymore = Not any longer= No longer = No more不再这样了

句二十:For that, Greenspan & Co. may still be worth toasting.



  • Greenspan & Co.
    • Greenspan and Companies
    • 格林斯潘和他的同事们,指代中央银行的银行家们
  • toast n. 干杯 n. 吐司 v. 烤
    • toasted duck 烤鸭


  • 题一
  • 题二
  • 题三
  • 题四
    • Why can many people see “silver linings” to the economic slowdown?
      • [silver lining](#silver lining)
      • They would benefit in certain ways 他们会在某处获益
      • The stock market shows signs of recovery 股票市场显示出复苏的迹象
        • 没有提及
      • Such a slowdown usually precedes a boom 这种经济的减速通常出现在经济繁荣之前
        • precede 早于…之前发生
          • Ming dynasty preceded Qing dynasty.
      • The purchasing power would be enhanced 购买力将会提升
        • purchasing power 购买力
          • purchase 购买
        • enhance 提升
  • 题五
    • To which



  • the slowing / softening / cooling / slowdown economy 经济下滑

  • Not bite one’s nails = Not in despair = Not panicked = be mildly concerned = remain optimistic 乐观态度

  • 支出调整

    • downscale
    • shopping at middle-brown department stores.
    • temper one’s spending
    • do some (modest) belt-tightening
    • the cautious approach of consume

第三段的内容:解释现状的原因,主题:reason of consumers’ not being desperate


  • 前文谈到经济下滑,中央银行感受到紧张,此处通过对普通人的生活状态和对未来的期待表示他们对未来仍充满期望,让中央银行的人值得放松一下值得庆祝庆祝(不幸中的万幸)。


  • single 单一的;单身的
  • remedy n. / v.疗法;治疗;方法;解决办法
    • medicine n. 药;医学
    • recover v. 恢复
  • caution 小心;谨慎
  • panic 恐慌
    • panicked

商业经济类 篇二

句一:Could the bad old days of economic decline be about to return?


  • 设问句可以使用在写作中
    • could ….. be about to return?
      • 某事可能会再现吗
  • 情态动词
    • may = might = could 可能
  • be about to = be going to = be to = will = shall将要
  • return 回来;再现
    • return to … 回去某地
  • the bad old days 以前的艰难日子
    • the good old days 以前的美好日子
    • the bad old days of starving / food shortage 以前那段饥荒的糟糕日子
      • Definitely not. 绝对不会

句二:Since OPEC agreed to supply-cuts in March, the price of crude oil has jumped to almost $26 a barrel, up from less than $10 last December.


  • since 时间状语
    • since 引导成分, 主句
    • 时间状语
      • since
      • before
      • after
      • when
  • OPEC 欧佩克 原油输出国组织
    • Oil Petroleum Export Cooperation
      • cooperation 组织
  • agree to sth. 同意某事
  • supply-cuts 供应削减
    • supply n. v. 供应
      • swine flu 猪流感
        • swine 猪
      • bird flu 禽流感
      • epidemic 瘟疫; 流行病
    • demand n. v. 需求
  • march n.行军 / March 三月
    • the long march 长征


  • the price of crude oil has jump to almost $26 a barrel 原油价格飙升至接近每桶26美元
    • crude oil 原油
      • crude rubber 天然橡胶
      • crude 未经加工的,未经开发的
        • the new, crude continent 未经开发的新大陆
        • crude approach 粗放型的方法
        • intensive approach 深入细致的方法
    • barrel 桶


  • (which is) up from less than $10 last December 从去年十月的十美元上涨而来

句三:This near-tripling of oil prices calls up scary memories of the 1973 oil shock, when prices quadrupled, and 1979-1980, when they also almost tripled.


  • this near-tripling calls up scary memories. 接近三倍的上涨唤醒了痛苦的回忆
  • double vt. 翻倍,翻一番
  • triple vt. 三倍于
  • call up one’s scary memory 唤醒某人可怕的回忆
    • scar 伤疤
    • scared 害怕的
      • are you scared 你害怕了吗?
    • scary memory 痛苦的回忆
      • sweet memory 甜蜜的回忆
    • memory 记忆;回忆
      • memorize 记起
        • remember
        • forget
  • oil shock 油荒 / 油价震荡
    • oil shortage 石油短缺
    • shock n. v. 休克;震惊;震荡
      • labor shock 用工荒
      • electricity shock 电荒
      • coal shock 煤荒

句四:Both previous shocks resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline


  • previous 之前的

    • the previous text 之前的课文
      • the next text 下一篇课文
    • the previous four decades
      • the previous seven decades has witnessed dramatic changes in our country. 过去七十年来,我们的国家发生了巨大的变化
  • result in 导致了…

  • double-digit inflation and global economic decline

    • double-digit 两位数的
      • seven-digit income 七位数的收入
      • digital 数字的
        • digital devices 数字设备
        • digital age 数字时代
        • digital divide 数字鸿沟
    • inflation 通货膨胀
  • globalization 全球一体化

句五: So where are the headlines warning of gloom and doom this time?


  • headline = report = story = coverage媒体报道,头条
  • (which are) warning of gloom and doom 对困难状况的提醒
    • gloom n. 郁闷
      • gloomy adj. 郁闷的
    • doom v. / n. 宿命,命定
      • mood 情绪
    • warn 提醒
      • warn sb. of bad days / gloom and doom 提醒某人糟糕的日子即将来临
        • possible accidents 可能的意外
        • every disaster 各种灾害
      • warning 警示,警告,提醒

句六:The oil price was given another push up this week when Iraq suspended oil exports.



  • suspend oil exports 停止石油出口
    • suspend v. 停止;吊销
      • the police has suspended his driving permit 警察吊销了他的执照
        • permit n. 执照 v. 允许,许可
      • In dreams, logic is suspended. 在梦中,思考停止了。
  • push up 上涨
    • the oil price was given another push up this week 本周石油价格又一次被推动上扬。
    • be given push up 上涨

句七:Strengthening economic growth, at the same time as winter grips the northern hemisphere, could push the price higher still in the short term



  • in the short term 短期内
    • time 时间 -> term 时期
  • strengthen v. 加强;加快;提高
    • strengthen the party’s leadership 加强那个党的领导力
    • strengthen economic growth 加快经济发展


  • at the same time 同时
  • as winter grips the northern hemisphere 随着北半球进入严冬
    • as 随着…
    • grip 抓牢,紧握
      • grape 葡萄
      • grope 摸索
        • we had been groping in the dark for decades.(centuries) 我们已经在黑暗中摸索了数十年.(数百年)
    • hemisphere 半球
      • the northern hemisphere 北半球
      • the eastern hemisphere 东半球

句八:Yet there are good reasons to expect the economic consequences now to be less severe than in the 1970s.


  • yet = but 但是

  • be less severe than 相比(后者),(前者)没有那么严重

    • severe adj. 严重的
  • consequence n. 由此导致的结果,后果

    • severe consequences 严重的后果


  • There are good reasons to expects …
    • 总论句,意味着后面即将出现分论点
    • 目前有几个好现象预示着某事(总论点)

句九:In most countries the cost of crude oil now accounts for a smaller share of the price of petrol than it did in the 1970s.

  • 分论点


  • In most countries[,] 引导成分
  • account for = count for = make up 占…比例
    • account for under 70 percent 占据不到70%
    • make up 20% and 5% respectively 分别占据20%和5%
    • account for under/over 70% 占不到/超过70%
  • share 份,份额,股份,股票n. ; 分享,共有 v.;
    • a smaller share of sth. than … 更小的份额

句十:In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.


  • quite big change in the price of crude
  • have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.
    • muted 无效的
    • effect = influence = impact
    • more … than 【比较】
    • the pump price = the retail price of petrol 汽油零售价
      • pump 泵
      • the pump price 油枪上标的价格 => 汽油零售价


  • It can be inferred from the text that the retail price of petrol will go up dramaically if ____
    • infer 推导
    • retail price 零售价
    • go up dramatically 剧烈上升
    • commodity price 物价
      • commodity 物品
        • Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair
          • Fair 交易会,博览会,集市

句十一:Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less sensitive to swings in the oil price.


  • Rich economies 发达经济体
    • emerging economies 新兴经济体
  • A be less dependent on sth than B.
    • depend / rely on = be dependent / reliant on
  • sb. be less sensitive to swings in the oil price. 对石油价格的波动敏感度降低了。
    • swing 波动 n. / v.
      • stock market swings
    • shock 震荡 n. / v.
    • change 变化 n. / v.

句十二:Energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive industries have reduced oil consumption.


  • Energy conservation 节能
    • conservation 环保
    • conservation measures 环境保护的措施
  • a shift to other fuels 寻求其他能源的替代
    • fuel n. 燃料; v. 助长;促进
      • Sharing needles fuels AIDs diffusion 共用注射器助长了艾滋病的扩散。
      • Confucius travel around the several countries to diffuse the confucism, which confuse the foreigners when they try to conprehend it. 孔夫子周游列国去传播儒家思想,外国人一读就感到困惑。
  • a decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive industries 重工业,能源密集型行业重要性的下降
    • energy-intensive industries 能源密集型行业
      • energy-dependent 依赖能源的
      • textile industry 纺织行业
      • auto industry 汽车行业
      • heavy industries 重工业
  • consumption 消耗;消费
    • comsume 消费

句十三:Software, consultancy and mobile telephones use far less oil than steel or car production.

  • software 软件
    • hardware 硬件
    • warehouse 仓库
  • consultancy 顾问工作
    • consult 咨询
    • consultant 顾问
  • mobile telephones 移动电话
  • far less than 远远小于
    • use far less oil than 石油使用远小于…
  • steel 钢铁
    • stainless steel 不锈钢
      • stain 污渍,污点 n.;玷污v.
        • stain her fame 玷污了她的名声

句十四:For each dollar of GDP (in constant prices) rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in 1973.

  • 头韵:facts and figures

  • 尾韵:gloom and doom

  • 在阅读中,遇到数字可以略过

句十五:The OECD estimates in its latest Economic Outlook that, if oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year, compared with $13 in 1998, this would increase the oil import bill in rich economies by only 0.25-0.5% of GDP.

  • the oil import bill 石油进口订单
    • bill 账单;法案
      • draft a bill 起草法案
    • billion 十亿
    • million 百万
  • estimate 预估
  • outlook 观点,看法

句十六:That is less than one-quarter of the income loss in 1974 or 1980.

  • one-quarter 四分之一
    • quarter 季度,四分之一,一刻钟

句十七:On the other hand, oil-importing emerging economies — to which heavy industry has shifted — have become more energy-intensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed.

  • seriously = severely 严重地
  • squeezed 缩减的
    • affect = influence 影响
  • oil-importing emerging economies 石油进口新兴经济体
  • shift 接班,接替

句十八:One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that, unlike the rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred against the background of general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand

  • One more reason (插入语) is that 分论点引出句

  • not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices 不为油价上涨而失眠 【主题】

    • lose sleep over 为某事失眠
  • unlike the rises in the 1970s 不同于20世纪70年代的两次上涨【插入语】

  • it has not occurred against the background of general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand 此次并未发生在(这样的)经济背景下

    • occur = happen = take place 发生
    • against 经常是完形填空的正确答案
    • general commodity-price inflation 普遍的物价上涨
    • global excess demand 全球的过量需求

句十九:A sizable portion of the world is only just emerging from economic decline.

  • a sizable portion of the world = a large part of the world 世界的大部分
  • emerge 出现
    • emerge from
      • emerge from economic decline 从经济衰退走出来
      • emerge from the recession 从【特指的某次经济衰退】走出来
    • emerging countries 新兴国家
    • emerging economies 新兴经济体

句二十:The Economist’s commodity price index is broadly unchanging from a year ago. In 1973 commodity prices jumped by 70%, and in 1979 by almost 30%.


  • index 指数
    • indices 指数【复数】
  • broadly = generally 广泛地


  • 题一
    • the main reason for the latest rise of oil price is ____?
      • the latest news 最新消息
        • latest 最新,最近
        • the latest development 最新进展,最新动态
      • global inflation 全球通货膨胀
      • reduction in supply 供给削减
        • 开头段 第一个原因:Since OPEC agreed to supply-cuts in March.
      • fast growth in economy 经济的快速增长
      • Iraq’s suspension of exports 伊拉克的出口停止
        • 第二个原因,但不是主要原因
        • 第三个原因,strengthening economic growth.
        • 第四个原因:the winter grips the northern hemisphere.
  • 题二
  • 题三
    • The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries ____
      • fluctuating = swing v. 波动
        • fluctuation n. 波动
      • manufacture 制造
        • factory 工厂
        • manufacturer 制造商
        • manufacturing date 生产日期
  • 题四
    • We can draw a conclusion from the text that ____
      • be relevent to 与…有关
        • be irrlevent to 与…无关
  • 题五
    • From the text we can see that the writer seems ____
      • optimistic 乐观
      • sensitive 敏感
      • gloomy 迷茫
      • scared 害怕

商业经济类 篇三



  • 在写作文的时候可以多加逗号,将多个句子拼成一个长难句,分数较高。下列为一些成分做插入语
    • 现在分词短语
      • have / has / had been 一直
    • 过去分词短语
    • 不定式短语
    • 形容词短语
    • 介词短语
    • 从句
    • 独立主格结构 做状语从句
    • 名词短语 做同位语
  • railroads 可以翻译为多个铁路公司
  • combine v. 并购,合并 = merge = acquire
    • combine with 与…合并
    • merge into 合并形成…
    • combination n. 合并,并购 = merger = acquisition = concentration = consolidation
    • incorporate v. 并入,纳入
    • affiliate v. 使隶属
      • affiliate with / to 归属于;属于
  • causing heightened concerned about … 引起人们高度关切某事
    • cause 导致了,造成了
  • monopoly n. 垄断
    • monopolize v. 垄断
  • In recent years, youngsters have been addicted to the Web, causing heightened concerns about Internet addiction.
  • 在文中,首句出现In recent year, 后面又出现了 As recently as 1995 和 Next year, 很明显后面两句是论据,可以不用看。
  • As recently as 2020, … 在2020年(适用于最近几年)
  • account for 占…比例
  • the top four banks 前四大银行
    • the top students 尖子生
    • the top four students 前四名
  • the total ton-miles 运输总量
    • mile 英里
      • feet 英尺
      • inch 英寸
    • ton 吨
  • the totla ton-miles (which were) moved by rails 铁路运输总量
    • rail n. 轨;道
      • please hold the handrail 请抓牢扶手
  • a series of 一系列的
  • feight n. 运费;运输
    • fare n. 票价
    • insurance n. 保险
    • cost n. 成本
    • CIF 到岸价(cost,insurance,feight)
  • major rail carriers 主要铁路运营商
  • complete v. 完成 = finish
    • complete the following tasks
    • complete a series of mergers


  • argue = claim = assert = hold = contend v. 认为

  • supporters of the reform 改革的支持者

    • support the aged 赡养老人
  • those [who come from the South] 那些…样的人

  • allow for A and B 使A和B成为可能

  • benefit n. 利益,好处

    • cost n. 损益,坏处,代价
  • substantial cost reductions 大幅的成本削减

    • reduce v. 减少
      • reduction n. 减少
    • substantial adj. 大量的
  • better coordinated services 更好的协调服务

    • coordinate v. 协调
  • Any threat of monopoly is removed by fierce competition from trucks 垄断的威胁被激烈竞争给移除了

  • threat n. 威胁

    • threaten v. 威胁
  • remove v. 消除;切除

    • remove barriers to trade 消除贸易壁垒
      • trade war 贸易战
    • cateracts can be removed in a 30-minute surgery.
  • truck n. 卡车

    • trick n. 花招,伎俩,手段
      • dirty tricks 下三滥的招数
    • track n. 轨道;路;径
      • field and track 田径


  • shipper n. (运输企业的)客户
    • ship n. 船
    • boat n. 小舟
    • vessel n. 大船
    • shopper n. 顾客
  • complain v. 抱怨;认为
  • for ___ , 对 … 来说, …
    • for chinese, Taiwan is more than an island. 对中国人来说,台湾不只是一个岛而已
  • commodity n. 物品,商品
    • commodity price inflation 物价飞涨
  • bulk adj. 大量的,大宗的
    • in bulk 大量地
      • buy in bulk 大量采购
  • grain n. 谷物,粮食
  • coal n. 煤炭
    • carbon n. 碳元素
  • chemical n. 化学制品;药品 adj. 化学的
    • chemistry n. 化学
    • chemist n. 化学家
  • commodity which are traveling long distance 需要长途运输的商品
  • costly = expensive adj. 昂贵的
  • acquisition = concentration = consolidation = merger = combination n. 并购
  • 题一:According to those who support mergers railway monopoly is unlikely because 支持并购者不可能是因为…
    • impossible = unlikely adj. 不可能的
      • possible = likely
    • A. cost reduction is based on competition. 基于竞争的支出削减
      • base on 基于
      • compete v. 竞争
        • competition n. 竞争
          • fierce competition 激烈的竞争
            • pierce = stab v. 刺,戳
        • competitor n. 竞争者
    • B. services call for cross-trade coordination. 服务需要跨行业协调
      • call for 需要
    • C. outside competitors will continue to exist. 外部竞争者将会持续出现
    • D. shippers will have the railway by the throat. 铁路将遭遇海运的威胁
      • have sb. by the throat 扼住某人的咽喉
        • I will have the fate by the throat!
      • throat n. 咽喉
      • neck n. 脖子
        • necklace n. 项链
  • vast = massive adj. 大规模的
    • the massive m&a(merger and acquisition) wave 大规模并购浪潮
    • the vast majority of people are supporters. 绝大多数人是支持者
  • In the past 70 years = Within the previous seven decades 过去的七十年里
  • industry n. (工业)行业
    • trade n. 行业
      • cross-trade 跨行业
        • cross-strait dialogue 两岸对话
          • strait n. 海峡
    • business n. (工商业)行业
    • the rail industry 、 the auto industry 、the textile industry
  • generally = typically adv. 通常地,往往
  • charge v. 收费;充值;充电;加油;加气
    • overcharge 超额收费
  • captive n. 俘虏
    • captive shippers 没有选择权的客户
  • Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business.
    • do 在此处用来替代前面的 charge
  • right and obligation 权利和义务
  • rate relief 降低费率
  • sb. have the right to appeal to the board for sth. 某人有权利上诉至委员会请求某事
    • board n. 委员会,董事会;板;v. 上车
      • boarding gate 登机门
      • boarding time 登记时间
  • It’ works! 它奏效了!
  • 题二:What is many captive shippers’ attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?
    • indifference n. 漠不关心
      • indifferent adj. 漠不关心的
    • indignation n. 愤慨
      • indignant adj. 愤慨的,义愤填膺的

商业经济类 篇四



  • 大写的内容要么是开头,要么就是人名或地名
  • William Shakespeare 莎士比亚
  • industry 产业
    • banking industry
    • newspaper industry
  • 双破折号结构 用于插入语
  • 情态动词替换 也可以做插入语
    • may = might = seem to = appear to = tend to
    • must = have to
    • should = ought to
  • as we all know = as is known to all 总所周知 用于插入语
  • 阅读技巧:长难句简单化
  • distinctly separate 明显不和的
    • separate adj. 分离
  • the weak 弱者
  • bully v./n. 欺凌
  • increasingly hostile 敌视激增的
    • hostile adj. 敌对的,不友好的
    • hostility n. 敌意
    • express one’s hostility 表达某人的敌意
    • host n. 主人
    • hostess n. 女主人
  • 阅读中-ly结尾的单词一般可以不看,也就是副词基本可以快速略过
  • branch 分支
  • royal adj. 皇室的
  • loyal adj. 忠诚的
  • 翻译中应该按照新华社的翻译将人名和公司名翻译成中文
  • pre==’==sent v. 出演 (发音不同)
    • ==’==present adj. 出席的,在场的 n. 现在
      • at present 现在
  • superb adj. 高超的
  • playhouse = theatre = theater 剧院
  • 写作中,使用从句将单句变成长难句
  • passers-by 过客
  • see / look
    • see the plays 看戏剧
    • look at the sea
    • look at the sight
  • cottage n. 茅屋
  • sight n. 景点
    • sightseers = tourists =travelers n. 观光客
    • sightseeing bus 观光巴士
    • sightseeing boat 观光船



  • 系动词 be
    • 系表结构:am, is, are, was, were 后面跟着的无论是名词还是介词短语,都被称为表语
  • 主语
    • 名词,名词词组
      • Reform has been strongly opposed.
        • oppose vt. 反对
          • oppose to … 反对(某事)
          • 相似词:
            • object
        • strongly adv.
          • -ly 基本都是副词后缀
          • I am strongly convinced that 观点.
      • Ellen Maren quit a decade ago.
        • a decade ago
          • decade 十年
            • century 百年,世纪
            • take off 激增
            • Over the past four decades, 过去四十年
              • within = during = in
          • 时间状语,状语是修饰成分,非主干
        • quit = resign = depart = leave v. 辞职
      • Doctor Yale note …
        • note vt. 提到;注意
      • Bankers have been blaming oneself for their troubles in public.
        • have been -ing 现在完成进行时
        • blame v. 责备
          • blame sb. for sth. 因为某事责怪某人
        • in public 在公开场合
      • Man go to war and be exposed to stress.
        • be exposed to 置身于…之下
        • stress n. 压力
      • It’s experience demonstrate the importance of doing sth.
        • experience n. 经历,经验;v. 经历
        • demonstrate = suggest = show = indicate = reveal = manifest v. 显示,表明
        • deal with = cope with = handle 应对,对付(找到方法来应对)
        • diffuse stress 排解压力
          • diffuse v.传播;排解
          • the diffusion of printing 印刷术的传播
        • aimless 漫无目的的,茫然迷茫的
          • aimlessness n. 漫无目的
          • aim 目标
    • 代词,代词词组
    • 不定式,不定式词组
    • 动名词,动名词词组
    • it做形式主语
    • 从句
    • the+形容词
    • 大部分的句子都需要有主语
  • 时间状语


  1. Literature can help, because in many cases, it knows us better than we know ourselves and provides us with an account, more accurate than any we might have been capable of, of what is likely to be going on in our minds.

    • 而书籍可以帮助我们,因为在很多例子中,它比我们自己更加了解我们,以及它能够提供给我们一个——比其他任何我们以为有能力的依据更具准确性的——对我们脑海中可能发生的事的解释。
    • provide us with an account 为我们提供一个解释/概述
  2. The writer’s work is merely a kind of optical instrument which he offers to the reader to enable him to discern what, without this book, he would perhaps never have experienced in himself.

    • 作家的作用可以看成是一种视觉性乐器,提供读者能够看清那些若不读这本书则可能永远无法经历的事物。
    • discern 看清
  3. Every great writer can be hailed as an explorer.

    • 每一个读者都可以被称颂为是一名探索者
    • hail v. 来自;称颂;
      • be hailed as 被称颂为
      • ride hailing 网约车
        • ride sharing 共享出行
  4. An effect of reading a book which has devoted attention to noticing faint yet vital tremors.

    • 阅读书籍时带来的那些只有倾注身心才能关注得到的微小但深刻的感触
    • devote 倾注
      • devote attention to >= pay attention to
    • faint 细小的
    • vital 至关重要的
    • tremor 颤栗;震动
  5. once we’ve put the volume down and resumed our own life, we can attend to precisely the things which the author would have responded to had he or she been in our company.

    • 当我们放下书卷回归生活时,我们将精准地注意到那些原本作者才会给予回应的事物,如同有作者陪伴在旁一般。
    • once 当…
    • volume 音量;(书)卷
    • resume v. 重新开始;恢复;返回;n. 简历
    • precisely 精准地
  6. Our attention will be drawn to the shades of the sky, to the changeability of a face, to the hypocrisy of a friend, or to a submerged sadness about a situation which we had previously not even known we could feel sad about, which is why Ralph Waldo Emerson proposed: ‘In the minds of geniuses, we find – again – our own neglected thoughts.’

    • 我们的目光将会聚焦至蔚蓝天空中的阴影角落,某副面孔的变化无常,至亲好友的虚伪假面,或是曾无可理解的那些隐秘伤痛。这也是为什么Ralph Waldo Emerson曾如此说:“在聪慧者的知识殿堂内,我们就可找回那些被我们遗忘的思索。”
    • be drawn to 聚焦至
    • changeability 多变的
    • hypocrisy 虚伪
    • submerged 潜在的;水下的

名人名言:I have lived a thousand lives and I’ve loved a thousand loves. I’ve walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. Because I read. ——George R.R. Martin, author, Game of Thrones fantasy series

  1. Students Set up App for Stray Cats on Campus
    • 大学学生上线针对流浪猫的一款APP
    • stray 流浪的,孤独的
  2. How British Farmers Are Diversifying
    • 英国农民如何进行多样化(开发)?
    • diversify 使多样化
  3. the farmer turns to other forms of income outside the sphere of traditional farming practices
    • outside the sphere of traditional farming practices 在传统农业尝试过的领域外
  4. if you fancy making cheese, picking cherries or smoking fish, you can head down to a farm to learn a new skill.
    • 如果你热爱制作奶酪,摘樱桃或者烟熏鱼,你可以走进一个农场来学习某一门新爱好。
    • head down to (谦逊地)走进某处
    • bed down in 睡在某处
  5. farmers are now branching out from traditional crops into wildflower seed production and essential oil crops.
    • 农民们正从传统的农作物开始拓展业务到野花种子生产和香精油作物。
    • branch out from … into …从某事拓展分支到某事
  6. livestock 牲畜
  7. herd 兽群;人群
    • a herd of livestock 一群牲畜
  8. trek 长途跋涉


考公务员 复习计划安排 (第一版,若有更多会继续补充)

1. 知乎上的复习的总时间分配建议





2. 通过实际情况设计具体时间安排




  • 图片的分配时间总共16周,而从现在开始算起至考试大概有226天,大概32周,加上先前的复习安排,已经是非常充裕了

  • 通过图片的总结来看,直接安排每两整周(14天)的时间来学完单一科是比较不错的决定,将大量同类知识一次性的学完。

  • 在前8周(2020.04.12 - 2020.06.07)优先把行策的所有视频课都刷完,并将对应科目的专项习题练习(粉笔APP或者纸质资料

    • 1-2周:言语理解

    • 3-4周:判断推理

    • 5-6周:资料分析

    • 7-8周:数量关系。重点:工程问题,方阵问题,浓度问题,时钟问题,植树问题,年龄问题,经济利润问题,周期问题,容斥原理问题,鸡兔同笼问题,牛吃草问题

    • 下面是知乎上的各科重点难点解析


    • 3-8周要分时间做前面学过的科目的专项习题

    • ==每周日都要复习错题!==

    • ==补充:==基于现在已经学习了一部分内容,可以将某一科学完之后空余的时间用于复习常识以及用于学习专业课知识和英语六级

  • 中间9-16周(2020.06.08 - 2020.08.03)将重心完全放在申论上,申论的重点有二:练习题型和积累素材(要买),每两周为一周期来分配时间。注:我不太懂申论,只能你来看下面的图片来安排了

  • 后17-24周用于科目弱点训练或者直接真题练习

  • 最后24-31周完全用于真题练习,每周包括两套行策以及一套申论

  • 最后一周:复习所有的错题和难点重点












​ 政治不宜过早,最简单,报班节省时间

​ 英语的目标是过线

​ 数学是拉分项

​ 专业课是信息战




学硕(一般三年):理论研究型 -> 研一,上课;研二,做项目;研三,毕业论文。一般考研难度高;考试科目不一样,考英语一,数学考数学一;学硕相对便宜,有奖学金;

专硕(一般两年):实际操作型 -> 研一,上课;研二,实习;专硕相对更贵,没有奖学金;


周六8:30~11:30 政治 100

​ 14:00~17:00 外国语 100

周日8:30~11:30 数学 150分 / 专业课1 150分

​ 14:00~17:00 专业课2 150分


​ 包括内容:

  • 马原(哲学),毛中特,史纲,思修法基,当代



英语:过线为基本目的(国家线) 一区(广东)不同专业分数线不一样

​ 工学分数线:大概40以下

​ 英语一:5500单词量,有超纲词汇,阅读理解偏长,翻译分值5句10分,作文分值30分(看图作文)

​ 题型:完型20题10分,阅读,新题型,翻译,写作

​ 英语优先复习


​ 写作多练(单号小作文,双号大作文)

​ 小作文:书信为主

​ 大作文:


​ 数学决定了总分高低

​ 数学一/ 数学三:高数56%,线代22%,概率22%

​ 数学二(不考概率学):高数78%,现代22%


​ 目标院校目标专业的相关信息

  1. “名校歧视普通高校生”

  2. 参考书和复习重点

  3. 导师







第一个问题:我能考什么专业? - > 跨专业考研 (遵循一个原则:自然科学可跨人文,人文不可跨科学,科学跨科学要看情况(主干专业课要相同才可以跨),人文可跨人文)

-> 本专业考研


第二个问题:我要考什么专业?-> 专业方向的选择 -> 问自己专业课的老师


第三个问题:想去哪里发展(地域选择)-> 经济发展情况 -> 是否能适应

第四个问题:目标城市哪些学校有我想考的专业 -> 中国研究生招生信息网(硕士目录[地域,学校,门类,方向,专业名称,学习方式])


​ 使用三个参数来判读那:

​ 复试分数线 ([考数学的专业]复试分数线的高低决定了报考的难度)

​ 招生人数[录取名单(学院名单)]

​ 指定参考书[考试科目] [问师兄师姐] [问目标院校目标专业本科生]


