

Unit1 司法类

  • prosecute = sue v.起诉

    • prosecute / sue sb. for sth.
    • prosecution n. 起诉
    • prosecutor n. 检察官,公诉人
    • suit = lawsuit n. 诉讼
      • a federal class-action lawsuit 联邦集体诉讼
  • accuse = charge v. 指控; 指责; 控诉

    • accuse sb. of sth.

    • charge sb. with sth.

    • accusation n. 指控

  • landowner n. 土地所有人

    • homeowner 房产所有人

    • carowner 汽车所有人

    • prosecute the landowner for sth.

    • manufacturer n. 制造生产商

  • claimant = plaintiff n. 原告

    • claim v./n. 索要,索取,索赔,主张,声称
    • complaint v. 抱怨;投诉
      • complaint n. 抱怨
  • defendant n. 被告

    • defend v. 为…辩护;保卫,保护;证明…合理/合法/合情
      • justify v. 辩护
  • justified adj. 合理的

    • attack v. 攻击;抨击
  • justice n. 大法官(美国最高法院的法官)

    • judge n. 法官(除大法官以外的法官) v. 判断
      • judgement n. 判断
      • judicial adj. 司法的
        • the judicial system 司法制度
      • jurisdiction n. 司法
      • prejudice n.偏见,成见
        • 该词基于词根==jud==构成,可以理解为在获得充分证据之前的提前判断
  • just 、fair 、equal

    • just -> justice 大法官;正义
    • fair adj. 公平的 n. 交易会;博览会;集市
      • Guangzhou Export Communities Fair 广州出口商品交易会
      • unfair adj. 不公平的
      • fair play 公平操作,规则公平
    • equal adj. 平等的
      • All men are created equal
      • equality n. 平等
      • equally big surprise 同样大的惊喜
      • equally big habitat 同样大的栖息地
      • equivalent adj. 等同于,相当于
        • be equivalent to
          • the Chinese equivalent of the American Congress is the National People’s Congress
        • equation n. 等式,方程式
  • jury n. 陪审团

    • juror n. 陪审员
    • the jury system 陪审团制度
  • lawyer(英)= attorney(美) n.律师

  • dispute n. / v. 争议

    • repute n.名誉

    • reputed adj.声名远扬;普遍认为

    • reputation n.名声

      • he has a reputation for slacking. 他有懒散的名声。
    • a disputed issue 一个有争议的问题

    • provoke / spark a dispute 引起一个争议

    • resolve the dispute / controversy 解决争议

    • sth. has long been in dispute 某事一直以来备受争议

    • sth. is beyond dispute. 没有争议

  • controversy n. 争议

    • contrary adj.相反的
      • **on the contrary 恰恰相反的是 **
    • **controversial adj.有争议的 **
  • resort v. 诉诸

    • resort / turn to the court 诉诸法律
  • preside v. 主持

    • president 主席;总统;行长;校长;总裁n.

    • preside over sth. 主持某事

    • preside over a meeting / trial 主持一场会议/审判

      • the trail of sb. 对某人的审判/审讯
  • argument n. 争吵;观点

    • argue v. 主张,认为;争吵

      • It might be argued that … 一些人认为…
    • quarrel n./v. 吵架

  • debate n./v. 争论;辩论

    • parliamentary debate 国会辩论
    • a nationwide debate 全国范围的辩论
  • contest n. 抗辩;竞赛

    • four contested provisions / clauses 四项抗辩(有异议的)条款
    • English contest 英语竞赛
    • English speech contest 英语演讲竞赛
  • commit v.犯下

    • commit a crime 犯罪
    • commit a mistake 犯错
    • commit a suicide 自杀
  • crime n. / v. 犯罪

    • criminal n. 罪犯
      • criminal behavior 犯罪行为
  • suspect n. 嫌疑人; v. 怀疑

    • arrest the suspect 抓捕嫌疑人
  • sin n. 罪恶

    • Gambling was broadly considered a sin. 赌博曾被广泛认为是一种罪恶。
  • blunder n.(无意酿下的)大错

    • blind adj. 盲的
  • adaptation blunders 适应方面的错误

    • The move was seen / considered as a blunder. 这次举动被视为一个错误。
  • gamble n. 赌博

    • game n. 游戏
  • corruption n. 腐败

    • prosecute the governor for corruption
  • bribery n. 贿赂

  • theft n. 盗窃

  • fabricating sth. 编造某事 (动名词)

    • The panel was accused of fabricating data. 这个小组被指控伪造数据
  • fraud n. 欺诈

  • hijack v. 劫持

    • hijacking n. 劫持
    • hijack social media to apply pressure on the businesses 劫持社交媒体来对商家施加压力
  • murder n. 谋杀

  • consipiracy n. 密谋

  • assault / attack v. 袭击

    • a hacker assault 一次黑客袭击
    • assault on teachers / children
  • decision = verdict n. 决定;判决

    • ruling n.【最高法院的】裁决;裁定
      • a sweeping ruling 一个一刀切的裁决
        • sweep 拖
          • sweep a floor 拖地
      • the courts’ ruling 该法院的裁定
      • the judge / justice rules that …
      • the law / act / bill / order rules that …
    • through trial, the judge make a decision
  • arbiter n. 仲裁者

    • we should not let others be arbiters of our beauty.
  • evidence = proof n. 证据

    • evident adj. 清楚的
    • prove v. 证明
  • confirm v. 确认

    • confirmation n. 确认

    • confirm that he is the father of the kid.

    • recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children.

  • approve v. 批准,审批;赞同

    • disapprove 不同意
    • approve of sth.
    • approve of a contract.
    • approve of a budget.
    • approve of a drug.
  • overturn v. 撤销;推翻

    • overturn the decision 推翻了这个判决
    • overturn the prior decision 推翻了之前的判决
    • guilty verdict / decision / ruling 有罪判决
    • innocent verdict / decision / ruling 无罪判决
      • cent n. 美分
  • invalidate v. 使无效

    • invalid adj. 无效的

      • invalid user name
    • invalidate the law / bill / act / rule

  • precede v. 先于,优先于

    • federal laws precedes state laws.
    • Ming Dynasty preceded Qing Dynasty.
  • conviction n. 定罪

    • be exempt from conviction 免于定罪
    • The supreme court has overturned the corruption conviction of a former governor.
  • trial n. 审判

  • sentence v. 宣判

    • sentence sb. to death
    • sb. was sentenced in imprison
    • sentence sb. forced community service
  • imprison v. 入狱

  • release v. 释放

  • appeal v. 上诉,申诉

    • appeal to 申诉,上诉,呼吁
      • appeal to a higher court 上诉到更高一级法院
  • examine v. 认真检查;仔细检查

  • tell A from B 将A和B区分开来

    • It can be / seems / is difficult to tell good information from bad.
    • differentiate v. 区别
      • differentiate between a credible man and a dishonest man.
  • discriminate v. 歧视

    • discriminate against sb. 歧视某人
    • discrimination n. 歧视
  • fine n. / v. 罚款;惩罚 adj. 好的

    • finance n. 财政;金融 v. 拨款,资助

      • finance the project
      • finance his education
    • lower fines

    • he received lower fines.

  • punish v. 惩罚

    • punishment n. 惩罚
  • penalty n. 惩罚

    • penalize v. 惩罚
    • penetrate v. 刺穿
    • pen n. 钢笔
    • pin n. 大头针
    • pain n. 疼;痛
  • sanction n. 制裁;处罚

    • impose sanctions against Korea / Iraq 实施制裁
    • lift the sanctions against sb. 解除制裁
  • violate v. 违反

    • violate the rule / law / bill / act / regulation
      • follow the rule / law / bill / act / regulation
    • violate the constitution
    • violate one’s privacy
    • violence n. 暴力
    • violent adj. 猛烈的
  • dismiss v. 不考虑

    • dismiss one’s proposal 驳回某人的提议
    • dismiss that possibility entirely 完全不考虑那种可能性
    • It has been dismissed by the supreme court.
  • abolish v. 废除

    • abolition n. 废除

      • the abolition of slavery 奴隶制的废除
    • abortion n. 流产

    • abolish an entire class of patents. 废除一整类的专利权

  • exempt v. 豁免

    • be exempt from
  • court n. 法院,法庭;球场;宫廷,朝廷

    • food court 美食街
    • resort to the court 诉诸法律
    • the Supreme Court 最高法院
  • chancellor n. 大臣;法官

    • the socially concerned chancellor (2014.Text1.)心系社会的大臣
  • witness v. 目击,见证;n. 目击者,证人

    • wit n. 智慧

    • wisdom n. 智慧

    • widow n. 寡妇

    • The period between A and B witnessed sth.

  • hearing n. 听证会

    • conduct public hearing 举行公众听证会
    • a cout hearing 庭审
  • plead v. 恳请

    • plead for sth. = ask for sth. = appeal for sth. 恳求,请求
    • plead for rate relief 恳求降价
  • rights and obligations 权利与义务

    • the right to sth.

      • the right to private property 私有财产权
      • the right to physician-assisted suicide 安乐死权
    • oblige = force = compel v. 逼迫,迫使

      • oblige / force / compel sb. to do sth. 逼迫某人做某事
        • he was compelled to leave / resign / quit. 他被迫离职
      • compulsory adj. 义务的,强制的
        • compulsory education 义务教育
        • a compulsory internet driver’s license
          • license n. 许可证,执照
        • compulsory courses 必修课
    • obligation = liability = responsibility = duty n. 义务

      • shoulder the responsibility 肩负起这份责任

      • legal liability 法律责任

      • protect the manufacturer from legal liability 保护开发商免于担负法律责任

      • liable adj. 负责的

        • be liable for = be responsible for 对…负责
        • be liable to do sth. = tend to do sth. = be inclined to do sth. 倾向于做某事
  • patent n. 专利(权)

    • patent experts 专利权方面的专家
    • grant / authorize / issue sb. a patent 授予某人一项专利
    • overturn / eliminate an entire class of patents 撤销一整类的专利
  • copyright 版权

    • copyright owner 版权所有人
  • ownership 所有制

    • ownership structure n. 所有制结构【政治】
  • strike n. 罢工;撞击

    • attend a strike 参加一场罢工
  • forbid = prohibit = ban v. 禁止;取缔

    • she is prohibited from entering the casino. 她被禁止进入那个赌场
  • allow = permit v. 允许,许可

    • she is allowed to enter the casino. 她被准许进入那个赌场
  • warrant n. 授权书,委任状,准许状,搜查令

    • the police issues a warrant to arrest sb. 警察批准了那个逮捕某人的授权书
  • licence n. 许可证

    • license n. / v. 许可证,证书;v. 允许,许可
      • driver’s license 驾驶证
      • medical license 执业医师许可证
  • illicit = illegal adj. 违法的

    • permit v. 准许,许可
    • allow v. 准许,许可
  • intrude v. 侵犯

    • intrude on green belt

    • intrusion n. 侵犯

  • tort n. 侵权(法)

    • the tort law
    • the tort system 侵权制度

Unit2 立法执法

  • law = bill = act = statute = rule = regulation n. 法律;法则;规律

    • the Charter = the Constitution 宪法

    • natural laws 自然规律

    • state laws 洲际法律

    • federal statue 联邦法规

    • The Human Rights Bill 人权法

    • The Tea Act 茶叶法案 使得美国独立成为一个国家并命名为USA

    • rule = regulation 学校规范,区域规范

  • comply with = abide by = follow = obey 遵守,按照

  • legislate v. 立法

    • legal adj. 法律的;合法的
      • legal learning 法律知识(07翻译)
      • legal practice 法律实践
    • legitimate adj. 合法的;合理的
      • legitimate concerns 合理的担忧
    • legitimacy n. 合法(性);合理(性)
    • legislation n. 立法
    • legislator n. 议员;人大代表
    • legislature n. 立法机关;议会
      • congress n. 国会(美)
      • parliament n. 议会(英)
      • the National People’s Congress (NPC)全国人民代表大会
    • legislative adj. 立法的
      • legislative body 立法机关;立法主体
  • charter n. 宪章

  • amend v. 修改

    • amend the Constitution 修改宪章

    • mend v. (针对实物的)修复

      • mend the broken bone 修复摔伤的骨头
    • the fourth Amendment 《第四修正案》

    • violate the fourth Amendment 违反《第四修正案》

    • the charter’s main tool 这个宪章(实施)的主要工具

  • regulate v. 规范

    • regulate our behavior 规范我们的行为
    • regulate our mood 掌控我们的情绪
    • regular adj. 规范的
      • irregular adj. 不规则的;不规范的
    • regulatory body 主管部门
  • punish = penalize = fine v. 惩罚

  • item n. 款 = provision n. 条 = clause n. 条款

    • The justices overturned three of four contested provisions. 大法官推翻了四条有争议的条款其中的三条。
    • the explainatory item 解释性的条款
      • explainatory adj. 解释性的
      • explain v. 解释
  • compact n. 共识

    • basic compact 基本共识
    • contract n. 合同
    • agreement n. 协议,共识
  • frame v. 制订(法律),总体设计…

    • frame a bill 制订一个法案
    • framer n. 总设计师,总策划
  • draft v. 起草 n. 草案 adj. 起草的

    • draft a bill/act/law
    • the first draft 初稿
    • the final draft 终稿
  • fashion / develop / set up conservation measures 制订环境保护的措施

  • implement = enforce v. 执行

    • enforce the law / bill / act / policy 执行政策
    • a well-enforced law 一部被很好执行的法案
    • implement the law flexibly 灵活执行法律
    • implementation = enforcement 执行
      • joint enforcement 共同执行
    • reinforce v. 加强
      • reinforce social solidarity
      • reinforce the effect


  • the American Bar Examination 美国司法考试

Unit3 行政:政府管理


  • administration n. 管理;政府
    • the Trump Administration 特朗普政府
    • the administration = the government
      • governor n. 州长;省长
      • govern v. 管理
      • governance n. 管理
        • corporate governance 公司管理(07.S2.reading.04)
    • the authorities 当局,官方
      • authority n. 权利
      • authorize v. 授权
        • authorize HUAWEI a patent.
    • council n. 委员会
      • the state council 国务院;中国中央政府;联邦政府
      • the local council 地方议会,地方政府
  • democracy n. 民主(制)
    • democratic adj. 民主的
    • science n. 科学
    • pioneer n. 先行者
    • shopping becomes a public and democratic act. 购物成为了一种开放的人人可以参与的行为
    • democratic values 民主价值观
    • the Democratic (party) 民主党
      • democrat n. 民主党人
    • the Republican (party) 共和党
      • republican n. 共和党人
      • republic n. 共和国
        • the People’s Republic of China
  • monarchy n. 君主制
    • monarch n. 君主
      • king, queen
    • head of state 国家首脑,国家元首
    • president n. 总统;主席
      • preside over sth. 主持…
    • prime minister = premier n. 首相,总理
      • Japanese prime minister Abe
      • minister n. 部长,大臣
        • the minister of education
        • the minister of foreign affairs 外交部长
        • the minister of civil affairs 民政部长
          • civilian n. 平民
        • ministry n. 部
        • province n. 省
          • province governor 省长
        • state n. 州(美);国家(其它)
          • state governor 州长
    • the royal family n. 王室家庭
    • Royal Shakespear Company (RSC) 皇家莎士比亚公司

Unit3 行政:政治,官员,部门


  • politics n. 政治学
    • political leaders 政治领导人
    • politician n. 政客 政治家
    • statesman n. 政治家
    • businessman n. 商人
    • economics n. 经济学
  • senator n. 参议员
    • The senate n. 参议院
    • senior n. 年长的人;大四学生;adj. 年长的;高级的
  • official n. 官员
    • government officials 政府官员
    • incompetent officials 没有能力的官员
    • office 办公室
    • civil servants 公仆
      • serve v. 服务
  • the Union 工会
    • the Unions in the public sector 公共部门
    • the Unions in the private sector 私有部门
    • the students’ Union 学生会
    • the postgraduates’ Association 研究生协会
      • association n. 协会
      • National Basketball Association (NBA)
      • Australian Medical Association
      • Chinese Medical Association 中国医学会
      • Chinese Football Association (CFA) 中国足协
  • chairman n. 主席;主持人
    • chair = preside v. 主持
  • federal government 联邦制政府
    • federal court 联邦法院
    • federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局
      • bureau n. 局
      • bureaucrat n. 官员, 官僚
      • bureaucratic adj. 官僚主义的
      • bureaucracy n. 官僚主义
        • democracy n. 民主
        • democratic adj. 民主的
        • democrat n. 民主党人
  • commission = commitee = board n. 委员会 = 部
    • board n. 董事会
  • institution = agency n. 机构
    • research institution 研究机构
    • financial institution 金融机构
    • higher institution 高等教育机构,高校
    • a national agency 国家机构
    • Xinhua News Agency 新华社
    • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)中央情报局
    • a traveling agency 旅游社
  • district n. 区(行政)
    • Haidian District of Beijing
    • special administrative district / region 特别行政区
  • region 地区(地理)
    • poor regions
    • regional cooperation 地区合作
    • national cooperation 全国性合作
    • international cooperation 国际合作
    • reign n. 统治
      • In 1912, Puyi ended his reign in embarrassment.
    • sovereign adj. 有主权的
    • sovereignty n. 主权
    • religion n. 宗教
    • regime n. 政体
    • regulate our behavior/mood

Unit3 行政:选举、发行、倡导


  • issue = release v. 出台,发布
    • issue a policy
    • issue a preferential policy to lure talents. 出台优惠政策以吸引人才
      • prefer v. 偏爱
    • release new guidelines 发布新的指导意见
  • brief n. 简讯,简报; adj. 简短的
    • a brief introduction
    • abbreviate v. 缩写
    • abbreviation n. 缩写
  • elect v. 选举;选择
    • presidential election campaign 总统选举战役
      • campaign n. 战役;运动
    • elect sb. as monitor 选举某人做班长
    • elect / choose / select the rich as friends.
  • lobby = persuade v. 游说,说服
    • anti-smoking lobby 戒烟游说
    • persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事
    • persuade the chinese into boycotting a kind of japanese product.
      • boycott v. 抵制
  • sponsor v. 发起;n. 赞助人
    • sponsor a project 发起一个计划
    • sponsor a initiative / advocate 发起一个倡议
      • advocate = preach v. 倡导;鼓吹 n. 倡导
        • advocate thrift 提倡节俭
        • They always advocate / preach the American values / democracy / system and attack the socialist values / democracy / system.
        • It irrigated chinese that some politicians are advocating Taiwan Independence.
        • the Christians always preach their religion.
    • sponsor a national English speech contest 发起了一个全国英语演讲比赛
  • responsible adj. 负责任的
    • Who sponsor should be responsible for the initiative. 发起人需要对倡议负责
  • poll n. 调查;民意投票
    • the Gallup poll 盖勒普调查
    • survey v. / n. 调查
      • a recent survey indicates that ….
    • census n. 人口普查
      • the 1990 census revealed that …
      • the 2020 census will indicate that …
      • reveal = indicate v. 表示,显示,展示
  • ballot n. 选票;匿名制选举
  • vote v. / n. 投票
    • vote for .. 投票支持
    • vote against … 投票反对…
    • vote for the bill / act / law / rule / statute 投票支持那项法案

uint3 行政:身份、迁徙、协调



  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)工商管理硕士
  • Juris Master(JM)法硕


  • solar adj. 太阳的

    • solitude 独居 n.

    • solitary 孤独的 adj.

    • isolate 孤立 v.

    • isolated 孤独的 adj.

    • solar energy 太阳能 n.

  • adapt v. 适应

    • adaptation 适应 n.

    • adapt to the new environment 适应新的环境

  • eligible adj. 有资格的

    • be eligible for sth. 在某事上有资格
      • be eligible for benefits 有资格得到补助
  • binding adj. 有约束力的

    • a legally binding rule 一个具有法律约束力的规定
    • bind v. 捆绑
    • bound adj. 被俘的
  • follow = obey = abide by = comply with v. 遵守